Before & After: A Family Home for Years to Come

Standing in the front yard of this home on Dale Ave, you can see the City skyline in the distance. The family here has had this view for over two decades, moving in the home in 1996. Yet the home was built in 1905, and was facing some massive issues. The children that had grown up in that home were now trying to help their mother make her home safe for her and their grandchildren who would be visiting. 

The house was covered in lead paint from floor to ceiling, with chipped pieces of paint littering the front porch. The roof was caving in, leaking and causing bad water damage throughout the house. 

The homeowner applied to Lead Safe and Renovation Alliance, and they immediately began collaborating. Lead Safe removed the lead paint, repainted the house and porch, and gave them all new windows. Renovation Alliance worked within Historic Preservation Guidelines to maintain the historic integrity of the property while repairing the roof. 

It is a common dream to keep your childhood home in your family through generations. Through this work, the matriarch of the family was able to make her home safe for her children and grandchildren, and keep the home in the family for many years to come. 

“This project was greatly needed and truly invaluable to my family. Everyone was very helpful and kind. Without this help we may have had to sell our home. A huge thanks from my family to yours.”